world of teh warcraft
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World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft

World Of warcraft is a good place to escape reality and have some fun. you get to play as a character of you choice, on one of two factions. The alliance faction is the good side, this side consists of the races night elf, hordealliancehuman, dwarf, gnome, or drenai. The horde side represents the bad side, which consists of the races troll,. orc, tauran, undead, and blood elf. Along with the races theres also different classes you can chose to have. My favorite being the Priest. The choices you have to chose from are, hunter, priest, warrior, rogue, palidan, and druid, newer to the game theres also the death knight, which came out with the lich king expansion, but to use this feature you have to have a level 55 character already made, World of warcraft has many different things to do, like raid, do instances, questing, grinding, or farming, and at certain levels you earn the ability to get different mounts which make it so you can fly, ride faster, or start being able to ride. World of warcraft is an awesome game that I'm pretty lucky to be able to play, you should try it some time.

Shadow Priest

priest symbol My personal favorite class in the game is the shadow priest, shadow priests use attacks that kill enemies slowly over time, they gain shadow form around level 40 which is a dark aura that surrounds your character. shadow priests are cool becauase they still have the skills of resurection that a holy or discipline priest would have but they can also have tremendous killing skills. With a holy priest you would spend most ofyour time healing in a group.

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