Death note
my car
World of Warcraft

robot Robots

Robots are something I've always found interesting. I want to build a robot when I get older because I think it would be awesome to know what its like to create something that can live and move and do stuff, without the hassel of taking care of kids. I want to get a master degree in computer science, computer engineering, and computer design and work in a good company so I can live in a nice house and be able to afford what I want but still enjoy my job.In order to acheive this dream its going to take lots of scholarships and lots of work, Its also going to take alot of time and research, but hey, I figure its woth it to become a computer genius, plus, in the near future computers will be used for everything, well thats my prediction. I think the world will fall to a place where if there are no ways to help us like robots that work on clean efficient energy the world will fall into a pit it cant get out of and ultimately reach its destruction. Well, maybe its a little far fetched, but it;swhat I believe.





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