Death note
my car
World of Warcraft

awesome music guy Music

Im a very different person when it comes to music. One minute I could be listening to heavy metal, the next minute indie, and even the next minute classical. I like a lot of different bands, bands like Placebo, My chemical romance, poets of the fall, the classic crime, capitol lights, tour de japon, maximum the hormones, nitemare, well, the list honestly goes on and on, so I'll quit while Im at it. music is random, music influences how you feel, and can tell people whether it's okay to be around or if they need to back off, it's also a nice escape if your parents wont quit talking and you can blast the headphones to where they know your not listening when they can hear your music, but also a great way to potentially damage your ears. A great thing about music is that theres so many different kinds that you can really be yourself. This really helps me when Im having a really super bad horrible day, or if boys are being jerks, or if teachers or parents are being stupid. music is a very good thing to have in this world I dont think soceity would exist as it does without it.

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