Death note
my car
World of Warcraft
You've Stumbled into it

Hello, my name is Charlene, and this is my website for Mr.Espinola's web design class, I hope to fill it with interesting things and keep it posted and up to date. Starting with this,would you like to know who I am? Too bad, your on my profile, so if you chose to read on your going to find out. I live life like anyone else, school's a major, Im a drummer, I love to listen to music, I want to be a computer designer/ engineer, and I want to have as many life experiences as I can before I die. That's pretty much it, I'm nothing special, not much to know about me, I make my own decisions, and I live my own life. I don't follow trends, in my opinion people who do that are too afraid to be themselves. Thats just a little peek into my life.

Contact the webmaster at mailto:vamineshadow@yahoo.com


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